Gnarly Nutrients
DCIs: LS2.D: LS2.A: Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems; LS2.B: Cycle of Matter and Energy Transfer in Ecosystems; LS4.C: Adaptation; PS1.B: Chemical Reactions
SEPs: Asking Questions (for Science); Analyzing and Interpreting Data; Constructing Explanations (for Science); Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information
CCCs: Cause and Effect: Mechanism and Explanation; Scale, Proportion, and Quantity; Energy and Matter: Flows, Cycles, and Conservation; Structure and Function
CA EPs & Cs:
Time: 1 Day, 40 minutes
Prep: Review Lesson Plan
Anchoring Phenomena
Essential Question
What role does the California condor play in the California ecosystem, and how do changes in the ecosystem impact condors over time?
Day 1
1. Engage/Warm Up
Have students watch the video once quietly.
Show the video a second time and have students See - Think - Wonder.
Ask the students to write questions that they have on Post-Its. Then, have students share their questions with a partner or small group so they can generate more questions.
Have students share their best/favorite questions with the class and add them to the Question Board.
National Geographic Encyclopedia: Scavengers​
Have students number the paragraphs.
Reread the article and underline the definition of a scavenger. Have the students circle examples of scavengers.
Reread the last three paragraphs – how do humans impact scavengers?
Read this article together as a class.
3. Class Discussion: Anchoring Phenomena Video
What is the role of condors as scavengers in the environment?
Have the students compare condors eating a dead deer in the Anchoring Phenomena video to the deer decomposition video.
Which is more efficient for cleaning up carrion?
Possible Discussion points: Nature’s clean-up crew, prepare nutrients for decomposers, remove dead things/carrion, and/or remove viruses and bacteria that could be dangerous to humans or other animals.
Difference between scavengers and decomposers?
**Fun Fact: condors actually receive calories (energy) from the many microbes they consume. They use them as nutrients.
4. Revise Model - Have students revise or add to their models and label scavengers.
5. Reflection: Have students complete the following sentence frame about condors: “I used to think _____ about California condors, and now I think _____...”
6. Optional - Homework/Extend
Picky Eaters Worksheet